PUNKSPRING 2025大阪公演は運営上の理由により公演会場を
PUNKSPRING 2025大阪公演は運営上の理由により公演会場を
発見した場合エリアを移動していただきます。また、お子様への使用目的以外で会場内にベビーカーを持ち込むことは出来ません。 保護者の方は係員の指示に従い、お子様から決して目を離さず、マナーを守り、他のお客様のご迷惑にならないようご配慮ください。これらのことを守られない方には強制的に退場していただく場合がございます。その際、チケットの払戻し等は一切いたしません。 会場内外で発生したいかなる事故・事件・怪我等につきまして主催者・会場・アーティストは一切責任を負いませんので、お客様ならびに保護者の方々の責任において対応してください。
(受付時間:平日・土曜日11:00~18:00 日曜・祝日は休業)
Only one person can be admitted per ticket. (one ticket per person is required for all primary school children and older)
“Preschoolers (5 years old or younger) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, and only one preschooler per parent/guardian will be admitted free of charge. However, access to the admission area is restricted and entry into the front or gold areas is strictly prohibited due to safety concerns.
If found in these areas, you will be asked to leave. Baby strollers are not permitted inside the venue except when used specifically for children. Parents/guardians are requested to follow the instructions of attendants, keep an eye on their children, observe good manners, and do not cause trouble for other customers. Those who do not follow these instructions may be asked to leave the venue. In such a case, no refund of tickets will be made.
The event organizer, the venue, and the artists will not be held responsible for any accidents, incidents, or injuries that may occur inside or outside the venue.”
Accessible areas are available at both Osaka and Tokyo venues.
Please note that the usage guidelines may vary depending on the venue. Kindly review the information below before attending.
Please call us at least one week before the performance after you purchase your ticket.
Contact OSAKA information for inquiries
(Hours: Weekdays and Saturdays 11:00 – 18:00, Closed on Sundays and holidays)
As this is a festival event, advance notice is not required to use disabled area.
On the event day, please speak to an event staff near this area to be escorted in.
Also, please note wheelchairs are not allowed in GOLD ticket viewing area.
We recommend purchasing a general ticket if you wish to use the disabled area.
Please note that there are no tickets for both venues in Osaka and Tokyo.
The ticket is valid only for the performance date and venue indicated on the face of the ticket.
No change or cancelation can be made after tickets are purchased.
Transfer or resale of tickets is strictly prohibited. If such acts are discovered, we will take legal action. In addition, we cannot guarantee admission for customers who purchased through the channels such as Viagogo, Ticket Distribution Center, StubHub, etc, other than from the official ticket agencies. As a result of buying and selling on the aforementioned sites or between individuals, there is a possibility that you will be involved in trouble such as fraud. Please note that you may be subject to investigation by law enforcement authorities, and both the seller and the buyer may be punished in some cases.
Please note that the artists performing in Osaka and Tokyo may differ.
Please note that this is a festival and the performers are subject to change. There will be no refunds for line-up changes and cancellations by artists. Also, no refund will be paid for any reasons such as injuries, illness (including new coronavirus infection and influenza), or your own inconveniences. Refund will be applicable only in case of postponement or cancellations of the festival.
Under any circumstances, tickets will not be reissued for damaged, lost, or forgotten tickets on the day of the event day.
If you are found to have entered the venue illegally, you will be asked to leave the venue regardless of the reason whatsoever. We will claim for the loss once you’re handed over to the police.
The use of video cameras, professional photography equipment (including those with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, recording devices, action cameras, and live streaming is strictly prohibited.
Selfie-sticks, umbrellas, Cooling boxes, parasols, chairs, any type of mats, cans, bottles, any food and drinks (including water bottles), animals (except for service dogs), flammables (e.g. fireworks) and any other items that are considered dangerous and/or illegal into the venues are prohibited. If we discover that you are bringing in illegal items, we will immediately notify the police.
“Plastic bottles are allowed, but only “water and soft drink” bottles may be brought into the stage area. Please do not throw bottles onto the stage, as it is dangerous. Please use the designated areas for eating and drinking.
Any articles/items that are considered dangerous by the event organizers is strictly prohibited from bringing into the venues.
“Persons who cause troubles inside or outside of the site, ignore the instructions by the event organizers, and/or those who are intoxicated will be forced to leave the festival and will not be issued refunds under any circumstances.
In case of any accidents or injuries occurred inside or outside of the festival, we must ask you to take responsibilities for your own actions. For any problems between the customers, the event organizers will not become involved or held responsible under no circumstances.
Customers are permitted to bring compact digital cameras, cell phones that can take photos, only for the purpose of personal viewing. All professional-caliber cameras are prohibited. In the case of legal confliction arises relating to audio and/or visual recording using any form of recorders/devices, of any individuals including but not limited to performers, audience, and/or public and private facilities, the responsibility shall strictly fall onto the person who acted.
“Dangerous acts such as diving and moshing are prohibited. The event organizers, venue and Artists will not be held responsible for injuries suffered by way of negligence of personal safety. The event organizers will see to first aid and arrange emergency services in case of injuries, but thereafter will not intervene or become involved in troubleshooting in such instances. Furthermore, if such accidents involve a third party, it is the responsibility of all parties concerned to find ensuing action toward legal revisions.”
It is strictly prohibited to enter the premises of this festival if you are a member of or affiliated with a crime syndicate, other antisocial group, or if you are intoxicated.
Any official merchandise sold in the venues may not be exchanged or returned after purchase except defective items.
Due to limitations in parking space around the venues, we advise you to take public transportation.
Pick up and drop off by car is prohibited. Parking on the roads around the venue is prohibited. Please do not get in or out of a car around the venue, as it not only obstructs traffic in the area, but also increases the possibility of a serious accident.
Please do not park illegally or disturb the neighbors.
Please dispose trash according to its recycled category, and do not trash the streets.
Please smoke only in the designated areas. (including electronic cigarette)
The use of lighters and matches outside the smoking area is strictly prohibited.
Please refrain from harming the natural plants around the venue.
Overnight camping in the vicinity of the venues is strictly prohibited.
All guests will be subject to baggage inspection upon entry.
Please take care of your baggage at your own risk.
Please note that there may be entry and exit regulation without prior notice in each area of the venue.
There is a possibility that blocks will be set up in each area. Please note that admission to each block area may be restricted depending on the situation.
The event will take place for long hours. It is your responsibility to make certain of one’s physical well-being.
No compensation will be made for travel expenses to the venue or accommodation, etc (including cancellation fees) due to cancellation or delay of the Festival.
Individual/personal information submitted by customers when purchasing tickets will be handled under Japanese laws of Protection of Personal Information.
All information provided by customers at the time of ticket application will belong to the event organizer.
Please kindly understand that these notes are subject to change without notice.